Selfie Mask image generator, a free application

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Have you heard about the Selfie Mask image generator? I saw this interesting story on Rachel Maddow. It was about how you can take a close up picture of yourself, crop it and print it onto material to make your own selfie mask. This application called Selfie Mask Image generator is completely free and has complete directions on how to make your own masks. It is a great app that was created by brother and sister, Andy Gillis and Linda Gillis Gentile .

Rachel Maddow reported that they got the idea when they first saw that a group called the Human Element Project had been making selfie portraits for medical professionals to put onto their jackets or smocks. That way, when they saw patients, the patients saw more than just a person in protective equipment. Thanks to the pictures, patients now had a face to go with the caregiver.

After seeing the impact that had on patients and caregivers, the Gillis siblings decided to take that fantastic idea a step further and the result is their new create your own image mask. They wanted to be able to help us all to feel like this whole thing is not so clinical. To wear a mask in public is vital but also rather impersonal. Therefore, with this option to create your own personalized look, wearing masks can be fun and not feel like such an inconvenience.

Use this app to print your pictured mask to look like the bottom of your face!

When you crop it, you would crop it from the bridge of your nose to your neck or chin. By doing this, it has the possibility to look just like your whole face. The directions clearly explain how to create your own unique homemade mask, or how to apply it to the manufactured masks.

Don’t want it to be your face?

No problem! There are directions on how to crop a picture of a movie star, your favorite entertainer or whomever you want. Therefore, you can make the bottom half of your face look like theirs. Pretty cool, right? The website even has suggestions for supplies to use to make your own masks in a variety of materials to best fit your needs. There are great directions on how to make the masks for kids too. Then, you can try the option to print it out on paper, attach it to any mask and you can throw it away when you and done. Thus, you can print out another one to attach to your mask. And please, don’t forget to wash your hands! Consequently, with this combination you’re doing your best to keep safe and have fun doing it.

Did you ever want to see how you would look with a beard? How about braces? Tweak the image to get your desired look and have a great time creating your perfect appearance . Who do you want to look like? Marilyn Monroe, ZZ Top? Batman? Or the best look of them all…yourself! You can wear a smile even if you do not feel like smiling. You can have a toothy smile even if there is not one under that mask. Okay, just kidding!

#Smiles2the4Share the hashtag on your social media site. Spread the word.

They offer this application and directions totally free but, asks that if you can afford to donate to the World Health’s Organizations COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund then please do. Any donation would be greatly appreciated and needed.

Now, hop on over to Selfie-Mask image generator to see for yourself. Get the directions and learn what you can expect your original personalized mask to look like. Remember, if you can spare a bit of change, please donate to your favorite charity in this great time of need.

5/16/2020 In response to a reader who asked for an address so he and his neighbor could send cards to the Human Element Project.

According to their website on 5/16/20 under contacts there is an email address and phone number. I did not see a physical address. So you may wish to contact them via email or phone. They may have a PO Box or address that accepts correspondence. Here is the contact page :

If I may be of further assistance, please let me know and thank you for reaching out.