(Without it costing you additional money)
Food banks would like you to: Save Empty Egg Cartons

- A food bank can use these too. Save your empty egg cartons and donate to a local food bank near you. Many food banks will give away eggs when they get them in. However, they often arrive in pallet sized bulk egg holders which make it difficult to distribute to those in need. By donating that egg carton, you are providing a much-needed distribution solution and it did not cost you a dime to do that. It also is a great way to recycle. Weather it is the cardboard paper type egg cartons or the foam type egg cartons or whatever else is out there, it is an important step that we can all make to minimize our carbon foot print and to help a neighbor. This is something we can all do to help!
Donate Empty Cardboard Boxes and bags

- Donate your empty cardboard boxes, plastic, paper and cloth bags to the food banks. Often people show up at a food bank to realize they have no way to transport those precious items home. Usually, that would happen at a church or place where they serve only local residents. Since they are a smaller food bank, they may get less donations and not have as many boxes or carrying containers for all of the residents. But no matter the size of the food bank, they would appreciate the needed and thoughtful donations.
Fill That Container

- Hey, if you want to fill that container with food before donating it, that is an extra good deed. If you have meat or perishable items it may be best to contact the donation center first to make sure they have a way to keep meat frozen, or perishables fresh. Many donations centers do, many churches do also but they may not have someone to put it away unless they know to expect it so, a quick call can help you in knowing the best time to get that great stuff properly cared for.
*Note* Please be mindful of overly expired and badly dented cans along a seam.
If expired by only a few months or the dents are not on the seam or really big or deep, you can donate and let them decide. Here’s another thing to keep in mind. If you would not want to eat it do to questionable consumption issues, please don’t poison someone else. Just because people need that extra assistance does not mean that they deserve only the outdated and unusable items. Think of it this way, if you would throw it out because of damages or too old, so would the person that would be receiving it. Would you want your kids to have to eat it? There is nothing more disappointing than to wait in line elbow to elbow to get food something that you would have to end up throwing away once you get home. I heard of a lady who was so excited to get a box of cake mix. She was thrilled to be able to make a nice dessert for her family only to see that when she opened it there were bugs in the box. That box had expired two years prior. She was crushed! So, just something to keep in mind when you are cleaning out your cabinets to do that well appreciated good deed.
Donate Time

- Donate your time to help serve food or pack up food donations. Several churches and organizations serve food as well as providing the food donation services. You would be surprised how around Christmas or Thanksgiving time everyone wants to donate time in the soup kitchen. Truth is, although greatly appreciated, they kind of wish people would consider the other 364 days of the year when there is little volunteering assistance. You can check with your local donation centers to see how you can best help if that is something you would like to do.
Donate Cloths and Other Items

- Donate your cloths. Children’s clothes are always needed. Do don’t have to save them for Good Will. (Although, that is a good choice too.) Many of the local food banks also help provide clothing for children of all ages. Along with children’s cloths, business attire, maturity clothing, unopened package of socks or underwear, box of diapers or adult diapers and of course toys are greatly appreciated. I have also seen blankets, sheets, pillows, canning jars, you name it. So, you do not always have to save stuff to take to Good Will. You can donate those especially much-needed items to your local donation services. Food stamps do not buy cloths, toiletries, personal items so those items can make a world of difference to someone who has no other means of getting these things. Unfortunately, to many people, these are not just a staple item, they are a luxury. Baby wipes can be used for a homeless person to wash up. A business suit can help someone feel confident to go into that interview feeling good about themselves. A tie can make an impression. A good pair of shoes can allow someone to put a new spin on some old cloths. And don’t forget our furry friends! Dog food and Cat food is so helpful to those additional 4 legged family members
Don’t know where to donate?
Here are a few places to start:
Feed America will let you search by zip code. They have some really great recourses that can make it easy to donate. https://www.feedingamerica.org/find-your-local-foodbank
Food pantries website https://www.foodpantries.org/
Check with your state’s food bank network. Go to your Department of Human Services for your state and they should have those recourses.
Call a local Church, Catholic Charities or Salvation Army. They not only accept donations but may be able to provide you with a list of your county’s food banks. These are also great places to get assistance if you need it. You are not alone! We all need to respectfully be shown compassion. It is not a hand out, it is a hand up! I have given to food banks and I have benefited from the kindness of others as I accepted offered goods. I am grateful for all of the consideration that was provided by each item that I have received.
So tell me, what are your favorite ways of helping out someone who needs a hand up?